
VW is actually owned by Buckingham Palace [and one of its many commercial share-dealing 'fronts']. Like I revealed last week, VW was handed over to the British at the end of World War II and a British Army officer was placed in charge. Buckingham Palace gave an order for 40,000 vehicles to VW in 1946 instead of supporting British workers. Since then, it has had a bottomless pit of money to spend on buying other car manufacturers… As soon as the VW 'DieselGate' scam was exposed, Angela Merkel was summoned to the British Prome Minister's country house. This scandal is way bigger than anyone knows - for example, the microchip which scams customers and regulators required a whole department of firmware engineers and software programmers - it was designed and implemented by top brass management… That secret technology cost millions to design and build, and added costs to car production and was there for one reason - to make dirty diesel look 'clean'... Now, today...