Pronunciation Help

Pronunciation Help Pronunciation Help we are presenting some of the primary Tongue twisters .These sentences will give an "elocution work out" to you. Speak the vowel letters openly with your tongue as well don't forget to use your tongue and your teeth to make each of the sound understood. Listen to the Audio Example Sentences to understand the way to pronounce them. Don't worry about the speed try to speak correctly rather than the high speed.Stand in front of a mirror, try to pronounce these sentences without making funny gestures. A – Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran. B – Big black bug bit a big black bear and the big black bear bled black blood. C – Can I cook a proper cup of coffee in a copper coffee pot? D – Don’t doubt the doorbell, but differ with the doorknob. E – Eight gray geese in a green field grazing. F – Free thugs set three thugs free. G – Grab the groundhog from the glazed grass. H – High roller, low roller, lower rolle...