Inspirational!! This Girl Was Dumped for Being Fat – Look at How She Got Reven

When you’re in a relationship with someone, you don’t expect them to stop caring about all of your flaws, but you do expect them to be a bit more understanding and supportive – because at the end of the day if they love you enough to be with you, they should be willing to put up with the fact that you aren’t perfect. But unfortunately that doesn’t always happen. Take Nadina Knight, she was dumped by her boyfriend for being overweight. They had been together for several years, and had known each other since they were 17, but it seems that ‘Tim’ couldn’t take being with a slightly larger girl. It turns out that lots of Tim’s friends had been making fun of him for being with Nadina, because she was overweight. In an interview with the Sun, she describes how they used to call him a “chubby-chaser” and used to make fun of him for being with Nadina. To make things worse, after Tim broke up with Nadina, he started going out with a very slim girl, maybe to make a point about things. Once all o...