
Showing posts from September 17, 2015

Why Questions Are More Important Than Answers..

Clocks and old watches are miracles. If you’ve ever taken one apart and had a look at the intricate gears with their jutting teeth reaching out with  just the right math  to tick in rhythm with the pulse of the universe, you’ll see that whatever mind conjured the thing and all its parts is mad. Imagine the dogged pursuit of a proper clock-maker, day after day bound up in design and measurement and function and orderly thinking, forcing exactitude on little bits of metal that never asked for it. And then finally getting it right–so many decisions and matters of design suddenly set the clock off ticking forever. Get inside the mind of a clock-maker—one who still experiments with matters of design, improving their craft with minor revisions of planning and execution—and suddenly you’re seeing from ground zero how things  come to be,  first in a humble glow, then a blinding white starlight that bleaches everything. There’s a lesson here. But first, some background on bad questions. The Iro