
Showing posts from 2014

Prepositions of Place

This one can be very confusing for English learners: at , in or on ? They are all prepositions of place. So when should you use each? At The word "at" shows us WHERE something is. It doesn't tell us whether it is beside, inside, below or above. It simply shows WHERE. We use " at " when talking about positions or locations. He is at the restaurant. She's at the office. He's at home! They met at a party. He is sitting at the corner. They are sitting at the table. He was standing at the window. At | In | On   | Examples | Exercises | Top In We use " in " when talking about a position INSIDE something else. The clothes are in the closet. He's in the kitchen. They are talking in the street. She is lying in bed. There was a fire in the fireplace and she was sitting in the armchair. There is a shark in the water! It was writte

How to Study Vocabulary Words

How to Study Vocabulary Words Do you want to know how to study vocabulary words? First, get a list of them. A vocabulary word list is a group of words that belong to a certain subject. Here are some examples: A list of common verbs (be, go, do, have, etc.) A list of weather adjectives (rainy, sunny, stormy, etc.) A list of family nouns (mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, etc.) You can visit Vocabulary Websites (Word Lists) section for some useful word lists. Now, how do you study these word lists? There are a few things you can do. 1. Make up example sentences with each word on the list. Just reading the word or memorizing it is not enough, at least not in most cases. But using the new word in sentences of your own, can really take you one giant step forward. Try it yourself, and see the results. For example, let's say you are learning the word "resign" (which means "to leave your job"). You can make up some example sent



10 Phrases you will hear in the airport


Pronunciation Help

Pronunciation Help Pronunciation Help we are presenting some of the primary Tongue twisters .These sentences will give an "elocution work out" to you. Speak the vowel letters openly with your tongue as well don't forget to use your tongue and your teeth to make each of the sound understood. Listen to the Audio Example Sentences to understand the way to pronounce them. Don't worry about the speed try to speak correctly rather than the high speed.Stand in front of a mirror, try to pronounce these sentences without making funny gestures. A – Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran. B – Big black bug bit a big black bear and the big black bear bled black blood. C – Can I cook a proper cup of coffee in a copper coffee pot? D – Don’t doubt the doorbell, but differ with the doorknob. E – Eight gray geese in a green field grazing. F – Free thugs set three thugs free. G – Grab the groundhog from the glazed grass. H – High roller, low roller, lower rolle



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